Please Understand Me! Practice Edition

14 November 2019 0 Comments

I received a report that I actually turned my attention to the depths of the opponent’s chest while talking. It seems that he had a pain in his chest.

Let me tell you a little more about the practical using of it.

It is very possible that it will become painful. When you turn your attention to the depths of the other person’s chest, it means that you are in tune with the vibration of the other person’s true feelings. (So, please only go with a close relationship)
If you are sensitive, you may feel sad or angry because the other person’s emotions are transmitted realistically.
Never forget that it is not your own feelings.
For example, if the feeling of sadness is conveyed, I will analyze it as “I am sad in the back of my heart.” You don’t necessarily have to say, “You’re sad, aren’t you?”
It is important to listen to the voice of the other person’s heart.
That alone should open a hole in the opponent’s heart.
And you will not be deceived by superficial words and deeds that are not your opponent’s true feelings.
You may be able to go one step further with a relationship.

・・・ Okino ・・・

Please Understand Me! Daily Life Edition

12 November 2019 0 Comments

It’s a pretty advanced skill to accurately sense the complex subtleties of people’s minds and talk to them about it in everyday life. Moreover, the human mind is complicated. Whether someone is crying or getting angry, there’s more than one reason. Therefore, there is no single correct answer. Besides, it is better to think that people basically say things that are different from what they are really think.

Humans are very troublesome creatures. . .

And in this busy modern society, there is not much room to care about people’s true feelings. Most people want to avoid the troublesome things anyway and starts to act based on “what people said”.

But at the very least, I would like to have some leeway with my family, lovers, and friends so that I can understand the feelings behind those words and the true intentions of their hearts.

For example, a young child scolded by his mother says, “I hate mom!” Complex emotions are contained in such a common child’s words. It could be “Love me more” or “I’m angry at myself for making my mom angry.” But if the mother interpret these words directly “I am hated by my child”, it causes a mess.
This is a very easy-to-understand example, but relationship between adults is similar to this isn’t it?

As I said before, there is not only one correct answer. It’s just that you don’t get distracted by the other person’s words and actions, and you just need to focus on the depths of your heart, saying, “What is your true intention?”
There is a trick to it. Bring your attention to the depths of your opponent’s chest. Then, an exchange of “ki” will be born, and a change in each other’s feelings should appear. Please try it.
*Attention! Please try only with a close relationship *

・・・ Okino ・・・

Please Understand Me! Relief Edition

11 November 2019 0 Comments

When do people feel relieved?

It happens when you start speak to your upset friend and become confused yourself.
Even if your friend is crying in front of you, you don’t really know the reason. He can be sad, frustrated, or dissatisfied. The feelings are vague and often difficult to express in words, even for the person himself. However, if you can accurately understand his feelings, he must say, “Yes! That’s right! Can you see?!”
People feel relieved when they are understood. Moreover, the most pleasant thing, if someone understands turmoil in their heart which cannot be expressed even by themselves. It it happens to you, you will fill friendliness to the other person of course. At the same time, “Qi” flows in each other’s bodies and between the two. This is the basis of “Relief”.

The human mind is very delicate and complicated. The world of “Qi” is the same. Even if ask someone who is frustrated and crying, “You’re sad, aren’t you?”, “Qi” will not move.
From the point of view of therapy, “relief” begins when “Qi” starts to flow, when the client’s physical and mental needs are accurately found out. It’s like key will never open a door unless the key fits perfectly into the keyhole.
At our clinic, we have thousands of flower photos and more than 50 types of aroma oil blends. We firstly identify the needs of each client’s mind and body, and provide the most suitable therapy combining the most appropriate flower photo, aroma oil, body treatment, etc. By using Dr. Motomiya’s original technique FBP, it is possible to make a precise diagnosis of “Qi”.
Click here for details.

When we show flower photos based on the diagnosis of “Qi” to our clients, they often say “Oh, this is it!” and feel deeply relieved. We have photo stock in our clinic.

Or see the website of “Kitorikasan”

・・・ Okino ・・・

Where Does the Stress Go? Part 2

10 November 2019 0 Comments

So, what should we do to avoid infection by negative energy (ja-Qi)?

The first is to convert those negative energies into positive energies.
It’s the same as going to a hot spring to relieve stress.
For example, if a person is very sad, the stress energy can disappear by contacting to the kind people or having fun. Therefore, even if there is a strong ja-Qi is accumulated there, it can be purified by the beautiful and gentle waves of love. It can be flower photos, essential oils, healing words, or body treatment.

I researched about it and could understand what ja-Qi is.
Previously, I said that ja-Qi is a wave that contains a lot of information that decreases life energy. It’s not a mysterious or scary energy, it’s based on our negative emotions. That is the source of ja-Qi.
Then, isn’t it possible to say that there are many types of the ja-Qi waves while our emotions differ as well?

Here we run into a new problem of our heart.

To be continued…


Where Does the Stress Go?

4 November 2019 0 Comments

“Stress, stress…” Is there a day when you don’t hear this word?

If you visit a doctor of western medicine, who should be in a materialist position, you most likely will be told that stress is the cause.
Even if you ask “What should I do?”, you probably will be told “Please take a good rest”. While you are saying to himself, “If I have just to take a good rest to solve everything, I won’t work hard!” the doctor gives you some stabilizer, taking which causes additional “stress”.
(I had real such actual experience about 20 years ago, when I suddenly lost ability to hear )

Why is there so much stress in the world?!

If you make an effort for what you really want to do, understand each other with the people around and support each other, you should be very calm and happy.
It sounds very simple, but in reality it is difficult to implement. The reality we are always anxious and unsatisfied.
Being angry, sad, and jealous every day is normal for humans. Of course, people can relieve their stress by eating delicious food with friends, laughing, and relaxing in the bath, but actually stress energy is not released and accumulates steadily. What happens with that stress energy when feeling of resentment, hatred, jealousy, or resentment are excessive?

“Stress energy” as was written above is literally a kind of “energy”.
Even if the person who had the feeling moved away from here, or even passed away, his stress energy remains and floats around, sticking to houses, land, and things.
As I said before, the “stress wave” is transmitted like a virus, so it can be transmitted from person to person, through houses, land, and things, so even completely unrelated to it person can get these stress energies.
These stressful emotions so to say negative energy become ‘ja-Qi’ and reduce human vitality.

But don’t worry, please, because there are proper countermeasures. We will speak about them next time.

・・・ Okino ・・・

Does “Qi” move?  .. Part 3

2 November 2019 0 Comments

Last time, I talked about how Qi colors moves by colors.

The vibration of “Qi” is very delicate, and there are many other ways to control “Qi”.

Besides “color”, other important things are “shape” and “language”.

Since humans are linguistic creatures, “language” is very important tool for controlling “Qi”. Our therapy incorporates methods that allow to use “language” thoroughly.

You know, just by hitting the arrow on your body, “Qi” will flow in that direction. 
Also, the most stable shape in nature is the hexagon, and all living things, including humans, can be represented by the hexagon.
From that point of view, it is reasonable that “flowers”, which have the most beautiful shapes and colors in nature, heal people.

There are beautiful vibrations in the photos of beautiful flowers containing “Qi” which can penetrate to the bottom of human heart and heal.
The waves differ depending on flowers.

That is the principle of ” flower photo therapy “.

After that, I hope that more people can experience it. 
Click here for more information

Does “Qi” move? part 2

26 October 2019 0 Comments

How can we consciously use the vibration of “Qi” that enhances life energy?

First of all, “color” has one of the most strong effect.

We live in “color” namely “light”. And we are choosing colors many times every day. For example, during the morning dressing, we are continuously selecting colors of towels, clothes, bags, shoes, etc. we want to use.
We know that feelings are potentially related to “color”. The color the person choose depends on his mood, and he uses “color” to express his feelings. To sum up, “color” is the simplest icon for us.
Viewed is this way, “color” moves “Qi”.
For example, red and orange are called warm colors, and blue and green are called cool colors.

There is no real difference in temperature between red and blue, but wearing a red color actually warms the body. If you add warm colors to the lower body and cool colors to the upper body, you can keep the head cool and feet warm. It is the simplest body color therapy. Especially women should avoid cold-colored underwear. You can try it and you definitely feel the effect.

There are many other items that control “Qi” and can be used effectively for therapy.

Next time I will talk about “shape”.

To be continued…


Does “Qi” move?

21 October 2019 0 Comments

We use flower phototherapy as part of our psychological counseling.
However, it might be difficult to understand how stresses and trauma can be healed by flower photography. Today I will talk about what kind of mechanism it is.

Basically, all therapies in our hospital are based on the principle of oriental medicine “Qi”.
“Qi” is like some kind of radio waves that always surround us.
For example, various information (images, sounds) is carried on the radio waves and reaches the TVs of each home. In the same way, “Qi” contains various information. If it contains information that enhances life energy we call it “shin-Qi”, and conversely, if it contains information that reduces life energy, we call it “ja-Qi”. Therefore, the content of that information is important. Some people who is doing Qigong thinks that the strength of “Qi” is important, but in our therapy the strength of “Qi” is not essential, because it’s hardly possible to be healed just by strong vibration of .

Really important thing is whether the information of “Qi” matches the needs of the person. No matter how good the vibration is, if it does not meet the needs of the person, it will not have effect on the mind and the body.
This means that the mind and body will be healed only by appropriate for him “Qi” which vibration enhances life energy.

To be continued…


Don’t be infected by stress!

19 October 2019 0 Comments

The season has come when we should take care not to catch a cold or get influenza. The number of people infected by new type influenza in growing up as well. We blended essential oils for its prevention, please check our NEWS if you haven’t already checked it.

Everyone knows that a virus is transmitted, but today I will speak about that thoughts and stress can be transmitted too.

Lacan said that “Man’s desire is the desire of the Other”
It means to live according to the needs of others, in order to meet the expectations of parents and other people around. People make such efforts because they want to be loved and accepted. Everyone wants to come up to the expectations of others. If it doesn’t match own desires, it causes deformation, so the desire to be accepted is a reason for that unhappy effort. Moreover, the person cannot realize it by himself often and accepts desires of others as their own ones. Thus, the deformation increases and someday backlash occurs. The person himself is not aware of it, and the evaluation as “a good person” by the people around him becomes “What the hell is he doing?” usually.

This is a case of infection by stress and thoughts of others which is difficult to recognize.
For example, there are many stories like follows. “When my husband comes home, I get irritated without any reason and hit my son.” However, there is no particular problem with the couple. The husband doesn’t return home with a moody face as well. So that’s the reason? It’s a phenomenon so-called “stress infection” which occurs at a lot of families . The husband does his job at the office felling various stresses and comes home after it. He may have some troubles with his job or relationships with his colleges. He doesn’t speak about his job at home, just relaxes after this stress. But the stress energy is hidden inside him and infects his wife.

Then the wife is irritated for no reason. She doesn’t understand the reason by herself and thinks it may be menopause. The son is suffering most of all because he is taking out the mother’s anger on himself. If ignore the problem, the family relationships will get worse and worse, and may cause another troubles.

It is sometimes said that a cold might be cured by transferring it to a person. In this case, hidden stress of husband might decrease partly after transferring to the the wife. However, it is absurd that the damage reaches the son after all. It is possible that his son will get sick because of that. In such a case, no one thinks that the stress of the father will make the child sick through the mother. But … it’s possible. Therefore, such stress energy needs to be purified. Flower Phototherapy can help with it.

Click here for details 

We will continue to talk next time about how the stress of others can be transmitted.


Love and Healing Power part2

17 October 2019 0 Comments

Communication is sending and receiving, listening and understanding people’s stories, speaking and telling what you want to say. This ability is very important in life because we are building relationships with playing such kind of catch ball. Receiving ability is important and quite difficult. If the desire to express oneself and be understood too strong, receiving ability and diligence to understand the other person decrease.
Have you ever experienced in barren communication when you are talking to the other person only about you want to talk, your opponent is talking to you only about he wants to talk and both of you couldn’t understand each other?

Thus, let’s divide relationship in two parts, namely you and the people around you like family, lovers, friends, business associates, etc.
The energy of catch ball of love is transmitted not only by conversation, but also without any words for long distances. The closer the relationship is, the greater the energy of love is produced.
In this case, receiving ability will be the key. But most people are not good at catching love. Even though 100 love balls are thrown from their family, lover, and friends, they can’t catch any of them, just get angry at the other person and complain about absence of love. But in reality, the overflowing love is in front of them, but they missing everything … Don’t you think that it’s too wasteful?

And another way to divide relationship is self vs. self. It is a catch ball between person himself, sending love to himself and receiving it.
In psychology there is used the term “self-acceptance,” it is a pretty difficult problem.
To give love to yourself and receive it, what does it actually mean?

Recently, “self-acceptance” is expressed in TV commercials by the words “this is all right”. Young people might have an opportunity to think about it and notice something after watching this commercial. The order is to know, to notice, and to think. Even because of such plain things “Qi” moves and healing begins. However, it’s to necessary to make healing power work up to unconscious level for reducing waste of energy in relationship.

At our hospital, we tried essential oils with fragrance to improve the ability to accept love. The effect was better than we had expected. We received a lot of feedback from people, they said than they became gentle and calm, their relationships improved just smelling this fragrance and treating it with a blended oil we made.
If you can feel loved by others, it will lead to self-acceptance. You will able to say “this is all right” to yourself being loved by people around you.
And this is the fastest way to improve the healing power!
