Greetings from the Director

An accurate medical examination ensures suitable treatment! Let your healing power grow up maximally!

There is a certain way to find out the reason and healing strategy for any incurable illness, serious disease, medically unexplained symptoms or unknown disease. First of all, let’s detoxify thoroughly the body and get rid of all deeply hidden stresses.
We are guiding step by step treatment process, conducting mental and physical changes occurring during it. The first step of treatment is having courage to start.
The purpose of holistic medicine is not only to cure illness, but to improve the quality of life in all its aspects. You could say that it’s deeper than just healing technique, it’s a new step to for integrated philosophies with therapeutic technologies.
From an energetic point of view, our laboratory aims to complete the technique and philosophy of holistic medicine. We are aiming at our clinic for such kind of integration.


I suffered from illness when I was 25 years old. My physical and mental condition became terrible, I visited a lot of doctors, but they could not find anything abnormal. I suffered physically from fatigue, weariness, lack of appetite, chronic stomach ache, so I could not drink alcohol, coffee end even cocoa. I suffered mentally from melancholy, depression, and feeling of isolation. Even the doctors could not find anything abnormal, they gave me some random medicine, saying “Well, let’s try this”. However, when I took the medicines, my hands trembled and I thought I was going to die. Thus I decided to stop taking all the medicines and cure by myself. So I started practicing yoga, studied oriental medicine and psychotherapy, healed myself and I have been keeping it until now. I realized from my own experience that it’s necessary to heal the mind and body interactively.  Moreover, because I was a patient thrown up by doctors I understood that mental support is also important. Also I discovered from my own experience that mental condition affects some part of the human body. So our clinic currently endeavors to practice and popularize holistic medicine. I was born in Chiba prefecture in 1955. I have got PhD in philosophy at Graduate School of Letters at Chuo University. At the graduate school I initially focused on body theory and linguistic theory on Merleau-Ponty, but later I studied oriental body theory and clinical psychology. Currently, I preside over the clinic “Mind and Body Therapy Laboratory ” as an acupuncturist, psychotherapist, and yoga researcher”, do counseling and curing based on oriental medicine such as acupuncture, ayurveda, aromatherapy, qigong, yoga, breathing methods and flower photo therapy as a new original psychotherapy. Thus, I research and practice holistic medicine in many aspects and train new holistic therapists . I am a board member of the Japan Holistic Medical Society as well.

≪Main books≫ (*In Japanese)

“How to get Shin-Qi and Dispose of Ja-Qi” (Cosmos Library)
“Holistic Paradigm” (Sogensha)
“Impulse of Death and Desire of Immortality” (Seikyusha)
“Syndrome of Wish to Be Cheered up “(Miosin Publishing)
“Introduction to Holistic Medicine”(Hakujyusya, co-authored)
“Dynamics of Life” (Hakujyusya, co-authored)
“Raise Your Natural Healing Power”(Lyon, co-authored)
“Health View Conversion”(Co-authored by the University of Tokyo Press)