Don’t be infected by stress!

19 October 2019 0 Comments

The season has come when we should take care not to catch a cold or get influenza. The number of people infected by new type influenza in growing up as well. We blended essential oils for its prevention, please check our NEWS if you haven’t already checked it.

Everyone knows that a virus is transmitted, but today I will speak about that thoughts and stress can be transmitted too.

Lacan said that “Man’s desire is the desire of the Other”
It means to live according to the needs of others, in order to meet the expectations of parents and other people around. People make such efforts because they want to be loved and accepted. Everyone wants to come up to the expectations of others. If it doesn’t match own desires, it causes deformation, so the desire to be accepted is a reason for that unhappy effort. Moreover, the person cannot realize it by himself often and accepts desires of others as their own ones. Thus, the deformation increases and someday backlash occurs. The person himself is not aware of it, and the evaluation as “a good person” by the people around him becomes “What the hell is he doing?” usually.

This is a case of infection by stress and thoughts of others which is difficult to recognize.
For example, there are many stories like follows. “When my husband comes home, I get irritated without any reason and hit my son.” However, there is no particular problem with the couple. The husband doesn’t return home with a moody face as well. So that’s the reason? It’s a phenomenon so-called “stress infection” which occurs at a lot of families . The husband does his job at the office felling various stresses and comes home after it. He may have some troubles with his job or relationships with his colleges. He doesn’t speak about his job at home, just relaxes after this stress. But the stress energy is hidden inside him and infects his wife.

Then the wife is irritated for no reason. She doesn’t understand the reason by herself and thinks it may be menopause. The son is suffering most of all because he is taking out the mother’s anger on himself. If ignore the problem, the family relationships will get worse and worse, and may cause another troubles.

It is sometimes said that a cold might be cured by transferring it to a person. In this case, hidden stress of husband might decrease partly after transferring to the the wife. However, it is absurd that the damage reaches the son after all. It is possible that his son will get sick because of that. In such a case, no one thinks that the stress of the father will make the child sick through the mother. But … it’s possible. Therefore, such stress energy needs to be purified. Flower Phototherapy can help with it.

Click here for details 

We will continue to talk next time about how the stress of others can be transmitted.


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