Love and Healing Power

16 October 2019 0 Comments

I would like to start talking about healing power, which is closely related to the power to receive “shin-qi” and the power to receive love.
“Love” is such a grand theme that I would like to write about it in several parts.

As I said last time, “shin-qi” is the energy needed to live. People get “shin-qi” from the blessings of nature, such as the sun, the sea, the mountains, trees and flowers, fresh food. Anyone has ever felt this natural energy even if he doesn’t know the word “shin-qi”.

On the other hand, “love” is the most difficult and the most important thing for human beings.
Everyone needs “love” from birth. “Love” can make people happy or mad.
In that sense, its good or bad power is huge.
Even if you are in the magnificent nature full of “shin-qi” , but you can’t feel the love of the others, you’re not happy at all. Furthermore, it can be said that
modern people are suffering from “love deficiency”, being always unfulfilled and always hungry for love. One has no confidence in himself because he doesn’t have confidence to be loved.

First, a common parent-child problem is when a child complains that he is not accepted or loved by the parent. In fact, children complain about their parents because of their desire to be loved more.
Here I would like to discuss about the energy of love between parents and children, regardless of whether or not the parent has a problem. Love definitely exists between parents and children, love energy goes through them.
The only problem is that they are awkward with playing catch of love when every throw is a wild pitch and every catch is an error. In the worst case, you can’t even see the ball, so participants are just getting dissatisfied with each other.

This is not just between parents and children. I’m doing exactly the same thing between spouses, lovers, friends, and the person himself.

So the best way is to stop playing catch, because it’s just waste of energy.

To be continued…


Increase Your Healing Power! part3

14 October 2019 0 Comments

First, let’s think from the physical aspect.
If you have a lot of so-called “toxins”, you should first of all get rid of them.

Toxins include germs, viruses, chemical poisons, and drug poisons. At our hospital we are providing effective way of detoxification using Qigong , aroma oils, various herbs and essential oils. And at the same time, it supplies “shin-qi”.
It’s the same as washing the face to remove the dirt film before using lotion to moisturize the skin.

Next, the main mental problem is “stress”. Healing power decreases due to a large mental shock or accumulating stressful feelings such as anger and sadness. Flower phototherapy is very effective for these sorts of mental stress.

Then, let’s get back to the problem of “absorption rate” again. Even if you practice various methods to improve healing power, but if the “absorption rate” is low, it will be difficult to get good effect. In fact, the effectiveness of any therapy varies from person to person. Some people can get better immediately, while for the others it will no effect no matter what they try. Of course, there will be some effect for everyone who keeps going patiently. But the sooner the better, right?

So, the problem we have here is “the ability to receive love.”  You must be confused to hear the word “love” suddenly, but it’s closely related to healing power!

Next time, I will talk about “love” and “healing power”.


Increase Your Healing Power! part2

13 October 2019 0 Comments

So what should we usually keep in mind to improve healing power with the exception of well-known
lifestyle-related habits such as eating, exercising, and cold measures.
At our hospital, we propose various methods for people who asks, “I know all these things, and I am taking care enough, but why am I always feeling sick?”

Thus, today I would like to talk about “shin-qi” and “absorption rate” .
Difference in ability to get “shin-qi” can be also called as individual differences in healing power. What does it mean? Living healthy for people means getting “shin-qi” and disposing of “ja-qi”, like photosynthesis for plants.
Refer to the Q & A on our website for the information about “shin-qi” and “ja-qi” )
However, if one spend time in the mountains or at the seaside or any other place full of “shin-qi”, ability to receive this energy varies from person to person. People who receives 100% energy at a place with poor “shin-qi” and uses his energy economically can improve the healing power well. On the other hand, what about a person who gets only 30% “shin-qi”, but eats well-balanced food and does a lot of things good for health? It is the same as applying of superior serum to the skin which can’t absorb good. In the other words, it makes no sense.
So you might ask how one can increase the rate of absorption of “shin-qi”.

To be continued…

Increase Your Healing Power!

12 October 2019 0 Comments

Okino is welcoming you at our homepage. I would like to discourse how to live healthy and happy based on the knowledge I have learned from the director Motomiya and practice in our clinic. If you have any questions, suggestion or comments, please email us

What are you usually doing for your health? Well-balanced nutrition and light exercises are considered as the basics, however “improving physical strength” and “improving healing power” are the different things. “Healing power” is a natural ability of living things to recover from injuries and illnesses, resists to pathogens. Depending on condition of this healing power, people may catch a cold or stay healthy even in the same environment. Even physically strong people, who usually does sports or physical exercises, can have theirs healing power weakened when they are tired or stressed. 

Then, suppose you get infected with a coronavirus or caught a cold, then your healing speed depends on your healing power. If you can take a rest for a day and recover immediately in some cases, in others, no matter how much you rest, you cannot recover. Of course, it depends in part on the degree of exhaustion and symptoms, but everyone has to develop the ability to fight pathogens and strengthen his immunity. In Western medicine is considered to repel pathogens rather than improving own healing power. At our hospital, we are using aroma oils and herbal teas to help with healing power improving.
