Does “Qi” move?  .. Part 3

2 November 2019 0 Comments

Last time, I talked about how Qi colors moves by colors.

The vibration of “Qi” is very delicate, and there are many other ways to control “Qi”.

Besides “color”, other important things are “shape” and “language”.

Since humans are linguistic creatures, “language” is very important tool for controlling “Qi”. Our therapy incorporates methods that allow to use “language” thoroughly.

You know, just by hitting the arrow on your body, “Qi” will flow in that direction. 
Also, the most stable shape in nature is the hexagon, and all living things, including humans, can be represented by the hexagon.
From that point of view, it is reasonable that “flowers”, which have the most beautiful shapes and colors in nature, heal people.

There are beautiful vibrations in the photos of beautiful flowers containing “Qi” which can penetrate to the bottom of human heart and heal.
The waves differ depending on flowers.

That is the principle of ” flower photo therapy “.

After that, I hope that more people can experience it. 
Click here for more information

Does “Qi” move? part 2

26 October 2019 0 Comments

How can we consciously use the vibration of “Qi” that enhances life energy?

First of all, “color” has one of the most strong effect.

We live in “color” namely “light”. And we are choosing colors many times every day. For example, during the morning dressing, we are continuously selecting colors of towels, clothes, bags, shoes, etc. we want to use.
We know that feelings are potentially related to “color”. The color the person choose depends on his mood, and he uses “color” to express his feelings. To sum up, “color” is the simplest icon for us.
Viewed is this way, “color” moves “Qi”.
For example, red and orange are called warm colors, and blue and green are called cool colors.

There is no real difference in temperature between red and blue, but wearing a red color actually warms the body. If you add warm colors to the lower body and cool colors to the upper body, you can keep the head cool and feet warm. It is the simplest body color therapy. Especially women should avoid cold-colored underwear. You can try it and you definitely feel the effect.

There are many other items that control “Qi” and can be used effectively for therapy.

Next time I will talk about “shape”.

To be continued…


Does “Qi” move?

21 October 2019 0 Comments

We use flower phototherapy as part of our psychological counseling.
However, it might be difficult to understand how stresses and trauma can be healed by flower photography. Today I will talk about what kind of mechanism it is.

Basically, all therapies in our hospital are based on the principle of oriental medicine “Qi”.
“Qi” is like some kind of radio waves that always surround us.
For example, various information (images, sounds) is carried on the radio waves and reaches the TVs of each home. In the same way, “Qi” contains various information. If it contains information that enhances life energy we call it “shin-Qi”, and conversely, if it contains information that reduces life energy, we call it “ja-Qi”. Therefore, the content of that information is important. Some people who is doing Qigong thinks that the strength of “Qi” is important, but in our therapy the strength of “Qi” is not essential, because it’s hardly possible to be healed just by strong vibration of .

Really important thing is whether the information of “Qi” matches the needs of the person. No matter how good the vibration is, if it does not meet the needs of the person, it will not have effect on the mind and the body.
This means that the mind and body will be healed only by appropriate for him “Qi” which vibration enhances life energy.

To be continued…
